Yesterday was Bug's last game of the season. He was amazing! I was so tickled that my friends stayed to watch his game and cheer him on! He was definitely a superstar!!
School is out for the summer. I have been called as the Young Women's president in our branch. I have to admit to REALLY freaking out when that happened!! :o/ I was inactive at church from the time I was about 9 until 5 years ago. I missed the entire Young Women experience as a youth, so I had no idea even where to begin leading them! I have been told repeatedly that the Lord doesn't call the qualified, he qualifies the ones he calls! How true this statement is! It has been hectic and busy as I learn all my responsibilities in this new calling while our branch got a new presidency.
One of our first activities was to make a welcome basket for the new branch president and his wife. We made "Friendship Soup" in a jar, a small herb garden, strawberry jam, S'more cookie bars and zucchini bread. When they were done with the baking they got rock out and dance to Disney songs on Just Dance Disney :)
Alley went to High Adventure this past weekend. She got to go white water rafting, sleep in a cabin then do a rope course including a rock wall and swing.
Kay only has 2 more years to wait before it's her turn. ;) Alley, Kay and I are getting ready to go to girls' camp on the 25th of June. I'm excited but a little leery. I have recently discovered I have an egg intolerance. This along with being allergic to the sun should make girls' camp interesting!
Yesterday the kids all worked with me to get the rest of the garden planted. It's amazing! We have 7 different types of heirloom tomatoes, plus some random tomato plants that were just growing throughout the area, summer squash plants are blooming too. We have purple lettuce, giant and little gem romaine lettuce, spinach, spaghetti squash, long cucumbers as well as pickling ones, even lemon cucumbers. There's heirloom sweet corn, watermelon, cantaloupe, zucchini, sweet potatoes, pinto beans, beets, sweet peppers and hot peppers. I think there's still some other stuff out there, but I can't think of them right now...LOL
I have a hen that's gone "broody". Everyday another hen adds to her group while she gets out to grab some food and water. This is our first time one of our hens have gone broody and I am looking forward to how it goes.
I think all of my does were bred, so we're thinking summer kids. :)The pigs should be getting to business too, if they haven't. I have been reading up on delivering piglets and their care. I do NOT like surprises!
I am getting ready to pick up the girls from a scripture-sleepover at Cindy-Lou's. We are doing a 100
day Book of Mormon reading challenge. A couple of the young women were behind...until today. I got a note saying that everyone is all caught up! I am soooo proud of them!
Then it's a stop at the store for the ingredient's needed to make my laundry soap and dishwasher soap. I'll make another post with just those recipes shortly. I LOVE knowing exactly what is going onto my family. People tend to overlook the chemicals that they come into contact with on a daily basis. It's in the air when you pour it, then soaked into the fibers of your clothing.
Alley and her jam :)
Kay's jam is DONE!
Zackary asking Annah what she's making :D
Alley making zucchini bread...Mmmm...mmmm
Dancing together...forever!
I don't know who's learning more...them or me! :)