Monday, April 8, 2013


     It's been a busy-crazy month since I was last on here!  First and foremost, I got my fence working!!  It took having my husband home and standing next to me for the light bulb to go on above my head.  LOL  I knew it was grounding out.  That much everyone I asked was able to clarify for me.  The problem was how and where.  Aaron, the boys and I had walked the perimeter repeatedly and couldn't see any where it was happening.  Then in a brilliant flash I asked Aaron if I used the fence volt tester on the steel T-bars would it show if there was any charge in the bars.  Sure enough it worked!  Then my voltage tester went out before we could all around the perimeter.  :(  In the morning we went to Tractor Supply and I bought the $40 digital tester.  It was WELL worth the extra money!  It took a few hours but by the time we finished we had the fence popping out over 7000 volts!!  Goats require a minimum of 4000 volts because of how stubborn they are.  Other livestock usually only needs 2000 volts.  That explains why even when the fence was putting out 2k it wasn't even bothering the boogers!  >.<
     Now, every morning we check the fence voltage.  Because so much juice is able to flow through it, when it arcs we can actually here it "popping".  With that sound we go to the proper pole and adjust the line to make sure it's not close to the pole.  Once that is done, the voltage goes right back up and my goaties get to wander their own little pasture.  My heart simply swells when I walk out there and watch them run around and especially when they come running up to see me.

     The pigs are next on the list.  I need to run the fence line around their new door to their current one.  LOL  Once they have been moved over the kids and I will work on getting all the rocks and roots out of the garden and get it ready for my little seedlings to be transplanted.  As of today, we have 12 different veggies and 8 herbs potted in my flats and egg crates.  I have picked up several types of beans to get started as well.  I'm considering growing collards even though I absolutely do NOT eat them!  I'm thinking about growing them for the animals and giving extras away.  I was thinking about the elderly in Madison.  A lot of them eat the ol' southern style foods.  Maybe I can give them the fresh produce that they might not otherwise be able to get.  Just a thought...

     Aaron is officially on his own.  He is in his own truck for almost a week, with his own second seat.  Now, just waiting for his own "real" paychecks to get started.

     Zackary finished his 30 hours of Joshua's Law, required for him to get his driver's license. YAY!!!  When his certificate comes in the mail and I have the money in for the insurance increase, I'll be taking him to get his license.  I can't believe my baby will be driving, fully, completely, legally!!

     We have had another set of hatch-lings!   I actually ordered Silkies on ebay.  I bought 6 eggs and 4 of them plus one of my EE's hatched out on Easter!  They are LOVELY!!  I have a partridge (brown/mottled) one, a grey-vaulted one, and 2 white/cream ones.  I've already been looking at Golden Sebright eggs.  ;)  I need to build some breed specific coops and runs before I get too many other breeds.  I would be very happy to sell the eggs and even chicklets, but I need to make sure they are breed true.  I have plans!!  <3